Monday, July 6, 2009


I exist, I am, but how much of my existence is truly accurate? If I think for more then two seconds about myself and my life. The question always comes up "Do I truly know who I am", is my perception of myself and world accurate? To what extent do I warp my reality? I suppose in a truly subjective philosophic universe it does not matter but I still have a perceptional "truth" as do others. I would like to be able to know myself and where I stand but, it is more than likely that I "misinterpret"or "warp" through conscious or subconscious means the actual imagine of myself. The true questions then become, how do I know myself. That question I believe cannot truly be answered. Perhaps our accurate imagine lies somewhere in between the views others have of us, warped by their own "lens" and our, warped by our own. It also is entirely plausible that knowing our true self imagine will never be possible. I suppose that I would settle for other's views of me to get a better picture but people are prone to lying over very trivial matters let alone something like this. It seems that humans are destined to never know and the question then arises is it because it is impossible or because we wish not to know?

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